Documento Mês – Equipamento Fotográfico

Berthiot, Paris, França
Fundo Horácio Novais e Herdeiros, Coleção de Câmaras e Equipamento Fotográfico
A Berthiot começou a produzir objetivas durante a década de 90 do século XIX, mantendo a sua comercialização até meados do século seguinte (1980s).
Foi um dos grandes produtores franceses de equipamentos óticos para fotografia e as suas lentes incorporaram mais de 100 diferentes modelos de câmaras.
Esta Perigraphe nº5 serie VI f:6,8/135mm incorpora um diafragma de íris, permitindo 6 aberturas – f:6,8; f:9; f:14; f:18; f:28 e f:36.
It was in 1893 that the optician Thomas Dallmeyer (1859-1906) created the Dallmeyer-Bergheim Soft Focus lens, which went into production three years later, in 1896.
Originally created for portraits, it resulted from a request made by his painter friend, J. S. Bergheim, hence the choice of the name, which immediately indicates the partnership.
Bergheim wanted a lens that would allow him to obtain a soft definition of the subject without, however, harming the actual vision of reality, especially in terms of textures.
This type of soft focus lens has a spherical aberration for the deliberate effect of creating photographs with less defined, softened outlines, aimed at portraits, but also widely used in landscape photography.
Perigraphe N. 5 Serie VI, F6.8 F:135
Berthiot, Paris, France
Horácio Novais e Herdeiros Collection, Cameras and Photographic Equipment Collection